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Application Process

Ready to start your journey on the road to academic discipleship?

We’re excited to help you get started. Like you, we want to see you children start the process of becoming everything God wants them to be.

Below, you will find the steps involved in the application process, but, don’t worry, we’ll walk you through it every step of the way.

  • Step 1

    Information Meeting


    Please register to attend the Informative Tour. You can register for the tour by clicking HERE.  These tours are held at scheduled times. 

    Attend a CCA Informative Tour 

    Parents are required to attend an information meeting/tour about Cornerstone Christian Academy. These meetings are held at scheduled times and families will have the opportunity to receive answers to their questions about the school. We recommend bringing the whole family so the students can see the facility.  Please contact our Director of Admission, Dotti Regier, if you have any questions.

    Review School Materials

    Carefully review a current copy of the CCA Parent/Student Handbook along with the materials obtained at the information meeting.  This can be found on the Resource page.

  • Step 2

    Complete Forms and References

    Complete Forms

    Once completed, the entire application is submitted along with a non-refundable fee of $100 per application. All forms associated with the application (except reference forms) must be signed and completed thoroughly.
    Click here to create an account with Skyward, our Student Information System.

    Once you create an account, please email Dotti Regier for next steps. 

    Student Reference Forms

    A student reference form must be completed for each reference included in the Application. These should be mailed directly to CCA by the individual completing the form. 
    (Kinder – 6th) Provide 3 References:  one personal, one from a teacher, and one from their last Principal.
    (7th-12th) Provide 4 References:  one personal, one teacher, one from their last Principal and one spiritual reference.
    Note:  Once the application is submitted, the references will automatically be emailed directly to the references provided.

  • Step 3

    Placement and Readiness Tests

    Schedule placement testing

    All students K-12 require testing to enter Cornerstone. Some additional testing or readiness placement may also be required such as upper level math or Spanish placement, etc. CCA will inform you as to which level of testing will be required for your child.

    • Level One Testing:  Kaufman Brief Intelligence and Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement
    • Level Two Testing: Subtests from the WJIV Cognitive/Achievement Tests
    • Level Three Testing: Full Individual Evaluation (FIE); Woodcock Johnson IV Tests of Achievement; Woodcock Johnson IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities

    For more detailed information regarding the three levels of testing, click here.

    Please note: CCA has a Learning Lab Program which was designed to meet the needs of students with mild learning differences; this program has very limited availability.   If your child has been identified with a learning difference or is in need of accommodations to be successful in the general education classroom, please contact Dotti Regier at to discuss availability prior to submitting an application.
  • Step 4

    Family Interview

    Schedule a Family Interview

    The purpose of the family interview is to make certain that each family’s questions about the school have been answered and to discern further whether CCA is the appropriate school for the family. Both parents and potential students must attend the interview.

  • Step 5

    Acceptance Notification

    Acceptance/Non-acceptance Notification

    Once the interview process has been completed and all necessary documents received, each family will receive an email from the Admissions Office indicating the school’s decision.

    PLEASE NOTE: An acceptance letter from the Admissions Office does not automatically confirm a course schedule at CCA. Due to the nature of our school, the registration process is wholly separate from the admissions process. If school records or placement testing indicate a significant academic problem, the student may be admitted provisionally, with specific guidelines involving student achievement, tutoring, parental responsibility, etc. If the student is able to register and show an ability to perform successfully at CCA, the provisional status may be lifted. If, however, the student is not able to perform successfully, another placement may be recommended. If a student is recommended for enrollment, and class space is available, each family must sign a Contract of Enrollment and Registration Form for the students enrolled at the academy—this includes families whose children are currently enrolled at CCA.

  • Step 6

    Register for Classes

    Registration/Diploma Plan Materials

    Students accepted to CCA will receive registration materials detailing course registration. If your child is an entering high school student, you must contact CCA’s Principal to arrange a meeting to discuss various diploma options for graduation. All students entering high school are required to undergo academic advising for the purpose of establishing a diploma plan. Students not planning to graduate from the academy must still confer with the Principal in order to clarify their purposes for attending the academy.

    Initial Provisional Enrollment

    Those students accepted to and registered in courses at CCA for the first time will do so under a provisional registration for the first six weeks of the semester in which they enroll. During this time, designed to acclimate students to the academic rigors of CCA, teachers, coaches, and   administrators will observe and report the student’s progress regularly to determine whether the student will be successful at the academy. If it is determined that the student is capable of achieving academic success at CCA, his/her status will change from provisional to recommended enrollment in the academy. If, however, it is determined that he/she will not achieve academic success at CCA, a meeting with the parents and student(s) will be arranged by the office of the Principal to determine the best course of action.

    Registering for Classes

    In order to proceed to the registration of classes, CCA must have a signed Contract of Enrollment and Registration Form for each family.